ASU Gammage Features Artwork of Contemporary Watercolor Artists of Arizona

ASU Gammage Features Artwork of Contemporary Watercolor Artists of Arizona

The latest exhibit at ASU Gammage will feature artwork by the Contemporary Watercolorists of Arizona. The exhibit will run from Dec. 11 through Feb. 2 on the walls inside ASU Gammage. 

About Contemporary Watercolorists of Arizona

CWA began in 1969 and held its first exhibition in 1972 with the intention of pushing each member to expand their capabilities and to reach higher levels of achievement. Membership is limited by invitation to 40 members who must be recommended and present a portfolio of their work for review.

The water media paintings include a wide range of both abstract and realistic work including landscapes, portraits and other subjects. Many of the pieces were responses to challenges issued to members each month. Works created with transparent watercolor, acrylic paint, gouache and colored inks will be shown.

Due to rehearsals, event set-up, performances, special events and holidays, it is advised to call 480-965-6912 or 480-965-0458 to ensure viewing hours, since they are subject to cancellation​ without notice.

Viewing hours are Monday from 1-4 p.m. or by appointment by calling 480-965-6912 or 480-965-0458 .

Bradley Myers
ASU Gammage
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ASU Gammage