Digital Culture Speaker Series: All Together Now: Technology Design for Social Creativity

Digital Culture Speaker Series: All Together Now: Technology Design for Social Creativity

This event has been moved online. Join the discussion on YouTube:


All Together Now: Technology Design for Social Creativity // Dr. Kate Compton 

Abstract: 2020 is a year of separation and isolation, but it's also a time when we've never been more technologically connected.  Let's explore the ways that we are using new tools (and old ones in new ways) to come together in creative play.  Discover a world of AI gameshow hosts, Zoom roleplaying games, Animal Crossing birthdays and Google Spreadsheet parties, and find out why they all work.

Bio: Dr. Kate Compton (galaxykate) is a long-time generative artist, inventor, programmer and assistant professor of instruction at Northwestern University. She wrote the first paper on procedural platform-game levels, generated the planets for the video game Spore, created the language Tracery which runs over 10000 community-made bots on Twitter and invented an early phone-based AR system. Her mission is to design artificial intelligence to augment human creativity and to create tools that brings AI into the hands of poets, artists, kids and weirdos.

Kayla Elizondo-Núñez
School of Arts, Media and Engineering