EAO Drop-in Mini Session: Addressing Dysfunctional Generational Patterns

EAO Drop-in Mini Session: Addressing Dysfunctional Generational Patterns

We can repeat our family's behavior and attitude from previous generations. These attributes may be helpful or hurtful to our well-being. In many ways, we inherit our family's story. In this presentation, you will receive information and resources and participate in a Q&A discussion. Stay as desired. These mini drop-in sessions focus on helping you and your loved ones cope with challenging life events for your overall well-being.

Ashlea M. Taylor, a licensed marriage and family therapist, will lead this session. She is the owner of Favor & Grace Under Fire, a Phoenix-area therapy and consulting practice. Taylor is an Arizona State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in psychology and an advanced master's degree in marriage and family therapy. A behavioral health expert, she works with high acuity children, adults and their families. Taylor specializes in helping folks move through life transitions and trauma, whether with families that cope with serious mental illness, working with women to uncover generational patterns of dysfunction or processing through post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, workplace trauma or racially-based trauma. She can address the systematic root of inter-and-intrapersonal conflicts.

Amber Wonder
Employee Assistance Office
Online via Zoom