Future Directions of Usable Science for Rangeland Sustainability

As funding for rangeland research becomes more difficult to secure, researchers and funding organizations must ensure that the information needs of public and private land managers are met. Usable science that involves the intended end users through the scientific enterprise and gives rise to improved outcomes and informed management on the ground should be emphasized.

The Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable workshop on Future Directions of Usable Science for Rangeland Sustainability brings together university and agency researchers, public and private land managers and producers, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of funding agencies and organizations to initiate the process of charting a research agenda for future directions of usable science for rangeland sustainability. Workshop outcomes address issues and research questions for soil health, water, vegetation (plants), animals, and socio-economic aspects of rangeland sustainability. A special issue of the journal Rangelands summarizes these outcomes, and will provided to session attendees. Presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion.

Program Agenda:

5:10 p.m. – "What is Usable Science?" – Lori Hidinger, Kristie Maczko, John Tanaka

5:20 p.m. – "Usable Science: Soil Health" – Chad Ellis , Justin D. Derner, and Charles (Chuck) Stanley

5:30 p.m. – "Future Directions of Usable Science for Sustainable Rangelands: Water" – James P. Dobrowolski and David M. Engle (presented by John A. Tanaka)

5:40 p.m. – "Future Directions for Useable Rangeland Science: From Plant Communities to Landscapes" – Samuel D. Fuhlendorf and Joel R. Brown

5:50 p.m. – "Usable Science for Managing Animals and Rangeland Sustainability" – Paul J. Meiman, Doug R. Tolleson, Theodora Johnson, Alex Echols, Frank Price, and Kim Stackhouse-Lawson

6 p.m. – "Usable Socio-Economic Science for Rangelands" – Mark W. Brunson, Lynn Huntsinger, Urs P. Kreuter, and John P. Ritten

6:10 p.m. – Questions and Discussion

6:30 p.m. – Reception

7 p.m. – Adjourn

April Khaing
Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes
ASU Washington Center