Indoor Farming Research

ASU professor Yujin Park's plants under lights at ASU Polytechnic campus

Considering climate change, water and land scarcity, and growing demand for local fresh produce, what will farming look like in the future? Indoor vertical farming is one of the technology-based approaches for crop production. Growing crops indoors enables precise control of the growing environment: to maximize the crop yield and quality one can fine-tune lighting, temperature, humidity and nutrient solutions. In particular, using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is a powerful tool to produce crops with desired attributes.

In this presentation, assistant professor Yujin Park will present some recent work on successful, sustainable indoor farming, specifically how manipulating light spectrum of LEDs regulates plant growth and quality attributes on a range of floriculture and vegetable crops.

About Yujin Park:

Yujin Park’s research focuses on horticultural crop physiology and controlled environment agriculture, including indoor vertical farming and greenhouse production. She aims to better understand how environmental controls, including light, temperature and nutrients, regulate plant growth and development of floriculture and vegetable crops and improve crop production efficiency in controlled environment agriculture production.

Before joining ASU’s College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, she earned her BS in architectural engineering from Yonsei University and her MS in horticultural science from Seoul National University. She obtained her PhD in horticulture at Michigan State University.

Her presentation on Wed., Oct. 7, at 3 p.m. is part of the ASU College of Integrative Sciences and Arts' Science and Mathematics Colloquium series.

All are welcome!

Prof. Steven Saul
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Online via Zoom