Introduction to Python Part 3

Introduction to Python Part 3

“Introduction to Python” workshop series is offered by ASU Library’s Unit for Data Science and Analytics. This workshop is aimed at basic knowledge of Python for those who are just starting out or who have run some programs but would like some refreshers on fundamentals.

Go from zero to 60 in this all-virtual data science workshop aimed at first-time users! Learn how to write your very first line of code by learning how to set up Python on your machine, getting familiar with the language, and participating in an interactive exercise.

Part 1 involved setting up Python on your machine and Part 2 covered data type basics.

Now, in Part 3 we will look at Functions, the essential tools for getting stuff done in Python. We'll examine their component parts and how to understand and use them in your own work.

If you missed Parts 1, 2, or both; or need a refresher; all resources will be provided upon workshop registration. 

Kerri Rittschof
Unit for Data Science and Analytics, ASU