Kickstarting the Digital Heartland

Kickstarting the Digital Heartland

Policymakers have long struggled to close a digital divide that leaves millions without access to broadband internet service. In recent years, another digital divide has emerged that involves the unevenness of cyber capacity-building and retention between regions. For the United States to remain the most dynamic and innovative tech powerhouse in the world, it is imperative for all its regions, and not merely a few rarefied clusters such as Silicon Valley, to foster and sustain research and development of cyber technologies for a 21st century knowledge economy.

The challenge of redressing geographic disparities will require creativity and determination on the part of policymakers and business, perhaps even a 21st-century analogue to the Morrill Land Grant Act of the 19th Century that did so much to consolidate the role of universities as engines of economic development across America.

Join New America’s Education Policy Program, Cybersecurity Initiative, Issues in Science and Technology, and Future Tense to consider what we can do as a nation to ensure that all Americans, regardless of geography, can participate in the ongoing digital revolution.

Follow the conversation online using #DigitalHeartland and by following @NewAmericaEd@NewAmCyber@ISSUESinST and @FutureTenseNow.

Lunch will be served.


Anne-Marie Slaughter@SlaughterAM
CEO, New America

Kevin Carey@KevinCarey1
Vice President Education Policy and Knowledge Management, New America

Mark R. Hagerott, Ph.D@hagerott
Chancellor, North Dakota University System

Tracy Van Grack@tvangrack
Senior Vice President of Communications and Public Policy, Revolution LLC

Rodney Petersen
Director, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE)

Carrie Billy
President & CEO, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC)

Anthony Nguyen
Future Tense - A partnership between ASU, New America and Slate Magazine
New America