Mini Health Screening - Polytechnic

Arizona State University benefits-eligible employees can get a 30-minute health screening. Several tests, including readings on cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides are available free of charge.

Other tests are available for as low as a $20 copay. Cash, check, MasterCard or Visa accepted. Bring your ASU ID and State of Arizona insurance cards.

Fasting for eight hours before the venous draw is required. Please drink a lot of water. Employees receive results in the mail within seven to 10 business days. Read more about how the tests are conducted.

This is a HIP-endorsed event available to Arizona state employees who are eligible for benefits. Read more about the incentive-based HIP program.

ASU employees receive one free mini health screening per year. Additional screenings are available for a fee paid directly to Healthwaves.

Liz Badalamenti
ASU Employee Wellness
ASU Polytechnic, Student Union Cooley Ballroom A