R.A.D. Advanced: Head Throws and Groin Kicking Techniques

woman participates in R.A.D.

The R.A.D. Advanced Course is designed to provide continued self-defense education for women who have completed R.A.D. Basic. Sign up for R.A.D. Basic on the ASU PD webpage.  

Session reviews stances and strikes learned in the basic course before moving into head throws, kicking techniques and a close range technique for escaping an attacker.  Every class will also include a guided warm-up and cool-down period.

R.A.D. Systems offers self-defense training tools to women of all ages. The self-defense course for women is one of many programs designed to reduce sexual violence on ASU campuses and within our communities. Learn more about the program on the ASU PD R.A.D. webpage

Katy Harris
ASU PD, Tempe campus