University Career Women Polytechnic Campus Brown Bag Lunch

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After a year of separation, University Career Women is coming to you! This semester we will be holding events at all four ASU campuses to reach out to our members there, cultivate cross-campus networking and meet prospective members at these locations. So if you want to widen your network, make a plan to come join us for lunch!

We'll be hosting a Brown Bag Lunch event at the ASU Polytechnic campus on Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021 with desserts and beverages provided for attendees. We plan to meet from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Cooley Ballroom, but will also have an option to attend the event via Zoom. This event will be an open discussion on a specific topic, similar to our Save a Seat for a Sister events. The topic for this event is Women entering Male Dominated Spaces. So grab your lunch, have a sweet treat on us and come join us for what is sure to be an interesting discussion!

Gabrielle Sangervasi
University Career Women
Cooley Ballroom