Why is Going to Space Difficult for Humans?

Why We Go Interplanetary Exploration Series

'Why We Go'
Interplanetary Exploration Series #2
Image removed.

Once beyond the safety of our planet, explorers will need to endure conditions hostile to human life. What is it that makes going to space so difficult on the human body and psyche and how can we increase resilience?

Richard T. Jennings, MD, clinical professor in space medicine at The University of Texas Medical Branch and a flight surgeon for Space Adventures, joins Jennifer Fogarty, PhD, the former Chief Scientist of NASA's Human Research Program for a conversation led by Dorit Donoviel, PhD, director of the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH).

Date and time
Thursday, May 20
10 a.m. PT / AZ
Run time: 1 hour


Taryn Struck
Interplanetary Initiative