Working Together for Wildlife: An Inside Look at the Day-to-Day in the Wildlife Contracts Branch of Arizona Game and Fish

man using radio tracking device to track desert tortoises outdoors at Yuma Proving Ground

What is it like to do applied biological research for a wildlife management agency?

Ryan O'Donnell oversees a team of biologists conducting a variety of research and monitoring projects on amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals throughout Arizona.

He will provide an overview of some of the ongoing projects the Wildlife Contracts branch works on, and a taste of his day-to-day professional life.

Effective wildlife conservation relies on basic research to advance scientific knowledge, and on applied research to monitor populations, advise management decisions and maximize effectiveness of conservation efforts. The Wildlife Contracts Branch of the Arizona Game and Fish Department leverages the resources of other agencies, the military and private industry to conduct applied wildlife research, and to provide the information needed to protect Arizona's most sensitive species. It is known for its studies on Sonoran Desert Tortoises, Flat-tailed Horned Lizards and Mexican Gartersnakes, but the branch works on a wide range of species.

O'Donnell has published more than 30 peer-reviewed publications, many focusing on the interactions between animal behavior, ecology and conservation. Ryan has an MS in zoology from Oregon State University and a PhD in ecology from Utah State University.
Steven Saul
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
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