ASU Cares Annual Food Drive - Iranian American Alumni Chapter

Event description
- Community service
Throughout the month of March, we collect non-perishable food items and hygiene products. Volunteers will drop off the collected items at A New Leaf Homeless and Domestic Violence Shelter at the end of the month.
Volunteers contact our chapter through our email. Volunteers are then assigned to pick up the donated items. At the end of the month, we will also have a drop-off location (for those unable to have their items picked up earlier in the month), prior to the delivery to the shelter. You can read more about A New Leaf here:
In addition to donations for A New Leaf, this year we are collecting donations of pet supplies for Lost Our Pet, a no-kill pet rescue shelter. Los Our Pet cares for the pets of people experiencing homelessness, providing shelter for them in times of crisis. You can read more about this organization here:
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