From bench top to bench press performance: are the rewards worth the risks of heated resistance exercise?
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- Health and wellness
Dr. J. Luke Pryor is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Center for Research and Education in Special Environments (CRESE) and Hydration, Exercise and Thermoregulation (HEAT) lab at the University at Buffalo. Beyond the classroom, he investigates the prophylactic and ergogenic utility of thermal stress in athletes, workers, and military populations with special interest in using heat stress to augment endurance and resistance exercise adaptations. In collaboration with the U.S. Army Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) he studies the effects of environmental stressors on exercise bioenergetics during load carriage in females. This work has led to the evolution of the Load Carriage Decision Aid, a metabolic decision tool that informs stakeholders of the nutrient requirements of route planning and physical activity.