Cheshire Calhoun Leads the Reading Group for Martha Nussbaum

Event description

  • Academic events
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Free
  • Professional and career development
  • Sustainability

This is an informal reading group covering some major elements of Martha Nussbaum’s work in anticipation of Humanities Institute Distinguished Lecture Series featuring Dr. Martha Nussbaum on November 19, 2024

Cheshire Calhoun will lead a discussion of Nussbaum and her work. The group will discuss the "Chapter 2: Disgust and Our Animal Bodies" from the book Hiding from Humanity, and "Emotions as Judgements of Value and Importance" from the book Upheavals of Thought.

You can read these two chapters in the attachment. 

Cheshire Calhoun is Professor of Philosophy at Arizona State University. She works in the philosophical subdisciplines of normative ethics, moral psychology, philosophy of emotion, feminist philosophy, and gay and lesbian philosophy. Her most recent books are a collection of previously published essays titled "Moral Aims: Essays on the Importance of Getting it Right and Practicing Morality with Others" (OUP), and a newer set of essays titled "Doing Valuable Time: The Present, the Future, and Meaningful Living" (OUP). She is also the author of "Feminism, the Family, and the Politics of the Closet" (OUP), the editor of "Setting the Moral Compass: Essays by Women Philosophers" (OUP), and the co-editor with Robert C. Solomon of "What is an Emotion: Classic Readings in Philosophical Psychology" (OUP). She was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Science in 2020.

Her published essays include articles on responsibilities, appreciation, forgiveness, integrity, shame, common decency, commitment, and civility in journals including "Ethics, Hypatia, Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Political Philosophy and Philosophy and Public Affairs." She is series editor for Oxford University Press’s Studies in Feminist Philosophy. In addition to teaching at Arizona State University, she has taught at the College of Charleston, Colby College, University of Louisville, and Princeton University.

This is a hybrid event hosted by Humanities Institute.

  • For in-person attendees, refreshments will be provided.
  • For online attendees, Zoom link will be provided before the event.

Event contact

Victoria Day

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


12:00 pm1:00 pm (MST)


RBH196, Ross-Blakley Hall

