The Decline of Islamic Discourses in Indonesian Politics: CAIS Lecture Series
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CAIS Lecture Series: Dr. Peter Suwarno - Spring 2025
The decline of Islamic discourses in Indonesian Politics: Has the Government succeeded in restraining Hardline Islamic Movements?
The Indonesian government under Jokowi has been campaigning for nationalist discourses vis a vis hardline Islamic discourses, a contestation since prior to the Indonesian independence in 1945. Jokowi’s famous nationalist motto was: “I am Indonesia, I am Pancasila,” referring to the five guiding principles for Indonesian laws and constitutions, which is opposed to the Islamic movement to change the first principle to include the implementation of sharia law. During Jokowi’s second term, with the banning of Hizbut Tahir Indonesia and Islamic Defender Front, it was clear that the nationalists’ effort to curb hardline Islamic movements and discourses succeeded. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the reason why and what strategies have been used by the government that lead to this success. For this purpose, this study will examine the discursive contestations between the Indonesian nationalists and Islamists, from various debates, speeches, government policies as well as publications from different media. The question remains whether this success is temporary or long-lasting.