Healing, Memory and Care: A Simulcast Film Screening of Cambodian Films and Discussion

Event description

  • Arts and entertainment
  • Diversity and inclusion

This is a simulcast event at over 20 universities across North America including Arizona State University. There will be four short films by Indigenous Cambodian filmmakers on the themes of healing, memory and care, followed by a virtual discussion with Bophana Center Indigenous Filmmakers. 


Dull Trail (2020) – Directed by KHON Raksa, PEOU Mono & CHOEY Rickydavid, Bunong Language

Synopsis: Blind in one eye and traumatized from years of war and American bombs, Mae Neng the elephant learns to accept the love of her kind caretaker Da Chroed in Mondulkiri province.

My Wish (2021) – Directed by KASOL Sinoun, Jarai Language

Synopsis: Ms. Rochom Eth, aged 39, of Jarai indigenous ethnicity, lives in Leurhon village, Ke Chong commune, Borkeo district in Ratanakiri province. Today, she is a farmer and hired labourer to support her family and her children’s education. She owns no farmland, lives in poverty, and suffers domestic violence from her husband and her drug-addicted son. 

Trung (2022) – Directed by Khamnhei HEA, Karvet Language

Synopsis: Noum is the name of a traditional fishing trap used during the rainy season by Karvet Indigenous People since ancient times. The name has been used for a long time, but in 2021 Ban Pas decided to call the trap Keb (which means ‘Shoes’ in the Indigenous language) instead. 

Alive Skin (2022) – Directed by Veasna OEM & Vantha RAT, Khmer Language

Synopsis: “Alive Skin,” tells the story of a young man named Heng AN. He is an artist who makes puppets for Khmer shadow plays out of leather. This art form is almost non-existent nowadays, but to preserve it he wants to show younger generations his craftsmanship.

Flyer for the simulcast film screening & discussion

Additional information

Arizona (1).png (1.09 MB)

Event contact

Chan Lwin

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


3:00 pm5:00 pm (MST)

