Pink Gold: Women, Shrimp, and Work in Mexico

Event description

  • Academic events
  • Diversity and inclusion

The "shrimp ladies," locally known as changueras in southern Sinaloa, Mexico, sell seafood in open-air markets, forming an extralegal but key part of the economy built around this "pink gold.” Over time, they struggled to evolve from marginalized peddlers to local icons depicted in popular culture, even as they continue to work at an open-air street market.

Pink Gold documents the shrimp traders' resilience and resourcefulness, from their early conflicts with the city, state, and federal authorities and forming a union, to carving out a physical space for a seafood market and even engaging in conflicts with the Mexican military.

Event contact

Dustin Davila-Bojorquez

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


12:00 pm1:30 pm (MST)


Creativity Commons Room 216

