Public Safety Community Forum - West Valley Campus

Event description

  • Campus life

We would like to invite you to the West Valley Campus Public Safety Community Forum to discuss issues related to campus safety and security.

The forum is set for Thursday April 11, 2024 from 2pm-3:30pm and will be held in the University Center Building - room 240.

The meeting agenda includes

  1. Explanation of the Public Safety Community Forum and Panel member introductions (5 minutes)
  2. Follow-up items from previous forums (10 minutes)
    • As this is the first forum of this kind, there are none
  3. PD topics of discussion (15 minutes(
    • ​​​​​​​TAMT – what is threatening behavior and how is it investigated and what are the outcomes
    • Collaboration with other departments, both local and federal 
  4. Submitted comments discussion (30 minutes)
    • ​​​​​​​Trespass warnings – for what kind of things/behaviors and explanation of process
    • Available trainings and services
  5. Audience Q&A (TBD)

The Public Safety Community Form exists to assist the ASU Police Department in remaining responsive to the needs of the campuses and local communities and to provide the university administration with input on issues surrounding crime abatement, public safety, and emergency preparedness. The primary role of PSCF is advisory and consultative. The PSCF is responsible to the executive vice president, treasurer, and chief financial officer.

Event contact

Daniel Macias

Thursday, April 11, 2024


2:00 pm3:30 pm (MST)


University Building - RM 240

