"Reagan" Movie Screening
Event description
- Arts and entertainment
- Free
The ASU Center for American Institutions and the School of Civic and Economic Thought & Leadership are co-hosting a private screening of the 2024 movie "Reagan."
The screening is free for students thanks to generous sponsorships from the community. If you would like to sponsor a student attendee or attend as a friend of the center for $20, click the link below.
Reagan the movie registration and student sponsorship
If you are a student, click the yellow register button on the right hand side of this page. Type in "student" in the ID Code field of the registration form.
Regan Ranch Retreat December 6-8, 2024
In partnership with Young America's Foundation, the Center for American Institutions will also take a group of students on a Reagan Ranch Retreat in Santa Barbara in December. Students will visit the Reagan Ranch Center and have a private tour of the Reagan Ranch.
If you would like to sponsor a student for this opportunity to learn more about the Reagan presidency, you can do so by donating $1,500 per student to the Center at the link below. Students who have previously attended highly recommend the retreat to their fellow students.