Webinar+ Tools Session: The optimization and validation of the d Questionnaire and how performance nutritionists can use this tool

Event description

  • Free
  • Health and wellness
  • Science
  • Sports

WEBINAR+ Tools content: The Webinar+ Tools session will feature the Food Frequency Exercise Questionnaire (FFEQ), originally developed at the University of Birmingham and later adapted for use in a Dutch endurance athlete population at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. Our published research has examined the validity of the FFEQ by comparing it to real-time dietary and exercise observations. A link to the version of the FFEQ used in our studies will be provided to all webinar sign-ups.

BIO: Daan Hoogervorst MSc., 1995, is a high-performance sports physiotherapist, renowned (sport) nutritionist and independent researcher who translates science into practice for individuals and teams competing at the highest level.

Event contact

Floris Wardenaar

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


10:00 am11:00 am (MST)



