Join the University Sustainability Practices team to learn how to plan events sustainably. At this training session, you will learn how to incorporate sustainable practices into all aspects of event planning, from marketing and catering, to proper waste disposal and more. You will become a certified Sustainable Event Planner at ASU and earn credit for the Sustainable Event Planner Training in CareerEDGE. Sustainable refreshments from the Decidedly Green Menu will be provided. 

The Patent Trial & Appeal Board (PTAB) and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) will send a total of nine sitting judges to campus to hear 3 actual oral arguments. The morning session includes one trademark trial and the afternoon session includes two patent trials. 

The event is free and open to the public. Breakfast, lunch and an evening reception with the judges and Director Vidal included.

This event qualifies for CLE Credit.

Proponents of originalism argue that judges must adhere faithfully to the meaning of constitutional texts as those texts would have been understood at the time of their adoption. In the case of the 14th Amendment, such an approach would limit clauses like “equal protection of the laws” to nineteenth century understandings of equality.  Since women were not equal to men under the law in 1868 and since the framers of the 14th Amendment did not advance gender equality as one of its purposes, originalism poses a quandary for women’s rights in the 21stcentury.

Are Americans "losing their appetite for candid and constructive dialogue?" Robert Post, Yale Law professor, argues that we have misdiagnosed America's social malady as a free speech problem, when the challenges to free speech in America are more a symptom than a cause of the problems  we are experiencing in the public sphere. The decline in the nature and quality of our public discourse is not a problem that more free speech will not necessarily resolve.

Mexican democracy is at a crossroads. In the center stage of the current dynamic and challenging times lies the Mexican Constitution, one of the oldest and most amended in the world. Enacted in 1917, it was the product of a social revolution. During its long life, the Mexican Constitution was functional for the long period of authoritarian hegemonic-party regime, but it was also key in the protracted transition to democracy.

Can the legislative power be delegated? Is the “major questions” doctrine” a suitable alternative to the non-delegation doctrine–the doctrine that states that a delegated power (and Congress’ powers are delegated from the people) cannot be re-delegated.  What are the implications of the dispute over the delegation of legislative power for constitutional good governance and the future of the administrative state?"

Join us at the MSW Application Workshop to get an opportunity to learn more about the MSW–Advanced Standing program with concentrations in Advanced Generalist, Advanced Direct Practice (ADP) and Poliocy, Administration and Community Practice (PAC) ranked in the top 10% in the nation! You will also have a chance to ask any questions and get started with your MSW application. We look forward to seeing you there!

“Manco Cápac" ("Powerful Chief") is a minimalist film about a young internal migrant’s perseverance. Filmed in Spanish and Quechua in the southern Peruvian city of Puno, “Manco Capac” tells the story of Elisban, who arrives from the countryside with only two soles ($0.50) and a cellphone SIM card. After the job that brought him to Puno doesn't  materialize, Elisban struggles to overcome adversity in a city that is celebrating Carnival and seemingly indifferent to his plight.

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