The first step in the honors thesis process is the completion of a thesis preparation workshop.
These workshops equip every Barrett student with knowledge about the logistics, resources and expectations for the honors thesis. Barrett students are encouraged to complete a thesis preparation workshop no later than the first semester of their junior year.

Food will be served.

Register now to receive a free 15-minute hearing screening from the ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic at the West campus. Hearing loss can develop slowly and painlessly. Adults should be screened every decade through age 50, followed by additional screenings every three years.


  • A feeling you can hear but not understand.

  • Asking people to repeat words in a quiet setting.

  • Chronic ear infections.

  • Confusing people’s words.

  • Straining to hear conversations.

Arizona State University benefits-eligible employees can get a 30-minute health screening. Several tests, including readings on cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides are available free of charge.

Other tests are available for as low as a $20 copay. Cash, check, MasterCard or Visa are accepted. Bring your ASU ID and health insurance cards.

This event is only for Barrett students. It looks like Santa stopped by over break and the Barrett Bucks Store is back and better than before! Stocking up in fan-favorites and some wild-card items, we are sure you will find something here for you. Make sure to show up with your Barrett Bucks while supplies last and get that swag you have dreamed about over break!

This event is only for Barrett students. As the semester starts again, it is time to get those gears moving and those brain juices flowing! Come see what foods you can eat to improve your academic performance and have a creative start to your semester by trying your hand at metallic bonsai trees!

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