How do Christians’ global relations impact the culture and politics of the US (Part Three) - Christianity in Historical Perspective: What Jews Need to Know

How do Christians’ global relations impact the culture and politics of the US (Part Three) - Christianity in Historical Perspective: What Jews Need to Know

Series - Christianity in Historical Perspective: What Jews Need to Know:   

PART THREE:  How do Christians’ global relations impact the culture and politics of the US - Jason Bruner (ASU)

Christianity emerged within Jewish society in the Land of Israel during the first century CE. For the next five centuries Christianity gradually evolved into a separate religion through complex interaction with emerging Rabbinic Judaism, on the one hand, and with the pagan world, on the other hand.   For the following centuries, Christianity has continued to evolve, first in Europe and later in the New World, shaping Western culture. The three lectures in this series shed light on development of Christianity from antiquity to the present.  The series provides basic information about a world religion that has deeply impacted Jewish history and that is practiced by over two billion people today.         

How do Christians’ global relations impact the culture and politics of the US? This lecture describes the ways that US culture and politics both shape and are shaped by global connections among Christians. These influences include typical culture war issues, like same-sex marriage, migration/immigration, and the War on Terror. But a range of other influences such as digital technology, worship styles, and theology have created powerful formal and informal networks that link the world’s Christians and shaping politics and culture locally and globally.

Lisa Kaplan
Jewish Studies