A Deeper Image with Joshua Marie Wilkinson

A Deeper Image with Joshua Marie Wilkinson September 29, 2018 at the Piper Writers House

A Deeper Image: A Poetry Workshop with Joshua Marie Wilkinson

In this course, students are invited to develop an acute awareness of their senses in order to write more visceral, striking poems. We will discuss examples, contemporary and ancient, to initiate a practice that draws on figurative language, synesthesia and the disavowed parts of self to plunge beneath the bland methods that tend to preempt or deplete many poems of our era. Our watchwords will be "conflict," "obstacle," "desire," and "contradiction" that we may hone a fuller relationship with language that eschews the topical, the merely competent and which instead dislodges a poem more knowing, uncanny and authentic to the poet. You will be asked to consider your dreams, fears, wishes, conflicts, desires and paradoxes. Therein lie the worlds that only unforgettable art grasps.

For more information, visit the event's Facebook page. To find other creative writing classes and workshops, visit http://piper.asu.edu/classes

Original image credit: "Computed Tomography of Human Brain" by Mikael Häggström, Uppsala University Hospital

Jake Friedman, Marketing and Outreach Specialist
Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing
Piper Writers House
$119 Regular, $107 ASU, $99 Student