“Lethal Elites: The Role of Intellectuals and Elites in Facilitating Genocide


A lecture and discussion with Alex Alvarez, professor of criminology and criminal justice at Northern Arizona University. Sponsored by the Center for Critical Inquiry and Cultural Studies in the School of Humanities, Art and Cultural Studies. Moderated by Professor Christopher Hanlon.

Popular views often suggest that genocide is carried out by ignorant and uneducated thugs and deviants who are simply acting on prejudice and xenophobia. Such perceptions, however, miss the larger truth that highly educated professionals and social elites from many industries and professions often play a powerful role in conceptualizing, legitimizing, organizing and implementing the policies and practices of persecution and extermination. In this presentation, I highlight and discuss the ways in which a variety of influential elites enable the perpetration of genocide. 

Ilana Luna
School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies