3rd ASU Machine Learning Day

ASU Machine Learning

You are invited to Arizona State University’s West campus for the Annual Machine Learning Day — an interactive virtual event!

 Learn from cutting-edge researchers from top institutes (Princeton University, Cornell University, University of Washington, Arizona State University, etc.) as they share innovative research on machine learning theory and methods in diverse domains, including applied statistics, biology, psychology, social science and ethics.

Important things to know:

Keynote address: Danielle McNamara, Arizona State University

                Learning Engineering: Making the Most of Machine Learning in Concert with Learning Sciences

Invited speakers:

Urban Fasel, University of Washington, Seattle

Jack Gieseking, University of Kentucky

Dianqi Han, Arizona State University

Robert Hawkins, Princeton University

Pablo Andrés Contreras Kallens, Cornell University

Qing Pan, George Washington University

Luke Stark, University of Western Ontario

Xueying Tang, University of Arizona

Carolyn Starr
School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences