6th Annual Prison Education Conference

Arizona State University’s 6th Annual Prison Education Conference is hosted by the Prison Education Awareness Club (PEAC) with support from the Department of English and the School of Social Transformation, both units of the ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The conference highlights prison education programs as part of the American landscape. This year’s event will focus primarily on education as the heart of justice and transformation. Panels include members from the Arizona Department of Corrections and from ATLaS (Arizona Transformative Law and Social Justice) Center for Successful Re-entry, as well as prison educators from ASU.
Keynote speakers are Judge Lilia Alvarez of Guadalupe Teen Court and Gigi Blanchard, a New York City-based writer and "delinquent-turned-activist."
The conference is free and open to the public, and includes a complimentary lunch (with vegetarian options). Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
Razor wire photograph copyright by Corri Wells. Used with permission.