ASU Book Group: 'Crossing the Line: A Marriage across Borders' by Linda Valdez

The September 2016 reading selection of the ASU Book Group is "Crossing the Line: A Marriage across Borders" by local writer Linda Valdez. The book group is open to all in the ASU community and meets monthly from noon–1 p.m. in the Piper Writers House on ASU’s Tempe campus. Authors are generally present.
Not a typical immigration story, "Crossing the Line" is told by a middle-class American woman who falls in love with the son of an impoverished family from rural Mexico—a man who crosses the border illegally to be with her. Married in 1988, Linda and Sixto Valdez learn to love each other’s very different families and cultures, raising their child to walk proudly in both worlds. "Crossing the Line" cuts through the fears and preconceptions that fuel the continuing political turmoil over immigration. The book is available at
A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing in 2003, Linda Valdez is a columnist and editorial writer at the Arizona Republic/ She has written extensively about immigration and border issues. Her commentary opposing Arizona’s infamous anti-immigration laws earned her the Scripps Howard Walker Stone Award for editorial writing in 2011.
Other ASU Book Group meetings and selections for 2016-2017 include Oct. 26 (Matt Bell: "Scrapper"); Nov. 30 (Betty E. Hammer Joy: "Angela Hutchinson Hammer: Arizona’s Pioneer Newspaperwoman"); Jan. 25 (Michael Smith: "At Home with the Aztecs: An Archaeologist Uncovers Their Daily Life"); Feb. 22 (Tara Ison: "Ball"); Mar. 29 (Martin Beck Matuštík: "Out of Silence: Repair across Generations"); and Apr. 26 (Melissa Pritchard: "A Solemn Pleasure: To Imagine, Witness, and Write"). Additional selections TBD.