ASU College of Law 2016 Alumni Association Luncheon

Please join ASU law dean Douglas Sylvester and the alumni of the Sandra Day O'Connor of Law at Arizona State University for the 2016 Alumni Association Luncheon.

This year's keynote speaker will be John W. Dean, Barry Goldwater chair of American Institutions at Arizona State University. Mr. Dean previously served as counsel to the President of the United States from July 1970 to April 1973. He recounted his days in the Nixon White House, as well as the Watergate investigation, in two books, "Blind Ambition" in 1976, and "Lost Honor" in 1982. His most recent book was the 2014 New York Times bestseller, "The Nixon Defense: What He Knew and When He Knew It."

2016 honorees:

• Outstanding ​Faculty ​- ​Dennis ​Karjala
• Outstanding ​Alumnus ​- ​Judge ​Charles ​Case ​(Class ​of ​1975) 
Keith Chandler
College of Law
Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel, Pueblo Room
$75 - Individual Ticket, $1,000 - Table Sponsor