Beneath: A Journey Within

"Beneath: A Journey Within" is a transdisciplinary collaboration between Arizona State University's School of Film, Dance and Theatre and the School of Earth and Space Exploration. The event will be held at the Marston Exploration Theater.
This 3-D multimedia experience takes audiences on a journey into the science of the Earth’s deep interior. Alternatively whimsical, poetic and majestic, "Beneath" blends art with current scientific research to peer into mysteries of what lies (deep) below the surface.
This fusion of science and live theatre features a geologist ballerina dancing catastrophic planetary cycles, a bass-playing geophysicist interacting with his data through trip-hop bass-lines, and a belly-dancing theoretical astrophysicist embodying seismic waves. Audiences also virtually visit the lab of a mineral physicist who uses diamonds in startling experiments, and talk with the first woman to lead a NASA mission beyond Earth’s orbit. Beneath will challenge what you know about the planet on which we live and the people who study it.
The project has three central goals:
- To make current scientific research artful, accessible and compelling for the public
- To create new visualization tools that aid scientists in research, communication and education
- To engage and explore new models of collaboration between artists and scientists.
Both compelling and approachable, "Beneath" illustrates the dynamic systems of the Earth and shows the ways in which humans are connected to the immense and ancient processes of our planet.
The journey within changes things. Join us as we go "Beneath."