Bike Month: Water Bottle Blitz

Cyclists at ASU and in Tempe should check their bike cages during the week of Oct. 24. In conjunction with ASU’s bike month, a team of volunteers led by Trisalyn Nelson, PhD (Director, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning) will be delivering water bottles to bike racks across the region in the hopes of raising awareness about cycling safety. Each water bottle contains a message inviting the unsuspecting owner to help improve cycling safety by mapping crashes, near misses, hazards and thefts to the website. is a citizen science project to improve data available for cycling safety through reporting of incidents globally. Cyclists have mapped nearly 4,000 safety incidents in over 40 countries. Data are being used by cities and researchers to priories cycling infrastructure investments, map safety hot spots, and monitor injuries.
Watch for the water bottles to appear at a bike rack near you, and help build!