CEMinar: Krijn Paaijmans
This event is online only and can be attended at: https://asu.zoom.us/j/86480781974
"From Mozambique to Maricopa: How do human and mosquito behaviors impact vector control?"
Krijn Paaijmans is a disease ecologist with a strong interest in how the biology and ecology of parasites, viruses and insect vectors shape the distribution and intensity of infectious diseases (such as malaria and Zika). His translational research aims to better inform disease control and prevention programs with the ultimate aim to reduce disease morbidity and mortality. Paaijmans and his team study the biology and behavior of disease vectors (e.g. mosquito development, blood-feeding behavior and vector competence) to design new tools and/or strategies for mosquito surveillance and control. To illustrate, his team – together with various partners around the world – is currently developing and piloting a novel vector control approach that uses high-power pulsed electric fields to prevent mosquitoes from biting their human host.
Paaijmans is in charge of the Entomology Platform at the Manhica Health Research Centre in southern Mozambique. As a member of the Mozambican Alliance towards the Elimination of Malaria, he coordinates the malaria elimination entomological monitoring and participates in evaluating tools and strategies to interrupt transmission of P. falciparum and eliminate its reservoir. He works closely with the Mozambican Ministry of Health and its partners and is actively involved in strengthening the capacity in medical entomology in the country.