CANCELED: CEMinar: Troy Day

CANCELED: CEMinar: Troy Day

CANCELED: This event is canceled until further notice.

"The economics of managing evolution"

Troy Day will be talking about his research at this CEMinar. He is a Professor in the Departments Mathematics and Statistics, and Biology and Queen’s University and a former Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Biology. His research interests involve evolutionary theory, including the evolution of host-pathogen interactions, drug resistance, and epigenetic inheritance. He is coauthor of the textbooks “Biocalculus: Calculus, Probability, and Statistics for the Life Sciences” and “A Biologist’s Guide to Mathematical Modeling”, as well as coauthor of the monograph “Extended Heredity: A New Understanding of Inheritance and Evolution”. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Center for Evolution and Medicine