Convergence Lab: Urban Mobility of the Future

This year has changed the way we move about our cities and communities, and what that movement means. While the shift to remote working has emptied metro cars, buses and highways of many daily commuters, people without the privilege to stay home face increased risks through their continued use of public transportation, thus illuminating the divide between those who can better protect their health and that of their families and those who cannot.
As cities roll out and begin to implement their reopening plans, we find ourselves at a crucial moment to examine and rethink the inequality blueprinted into the roads, tunnels, sidewalks and bus stops of urban areas like Mexico City and Phoenix.
Join a binational discussion to consider the future of mobility in a pandemic and climate change-battered world. The event, a collaboration with the Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad, will be held in English.
- Fátima Masse, project coordinator, Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad
- Diana Bowman, professor, ASU School for the Future of Innovation and Society, associate dean for international engagement, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
- Ram Pendyala, director, ASU School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment