A Crisis on a Global Scale: How Cooperation Fosters Local Solutions to Human Trafficking

A Crisis on a Global Scale: How Cooperation Fosters Local Solutions to Human Trafficking

The McCain Institute for International Leadership and Cultural Vistas invite you to attend: A Crisis on a Global Scale: How Cooperation Fosters Local Solutions to Human Trafficking

With an estimated 20.9 million victims of trafficking around the world, human trafficking has become a scourge that requires concerted local and international cooperation. Leading human rights activists, who are alumni of Cultural Vistas programs, Mr. Rehmatullah, Dr. Johnson, and Mr. Bogrand will share their insight on global trends and emerging solutions to human trafficking, while discussing how international exchange facilitates information sharing and collaboration.

Confirmed speakers:

Mr. Hafiz Rehmatullah
Next Generation Leader, The McCain Institute for International Leadership
& International Visitor Leadership Program Alumnus, U.S. Department of State

Dr. Danielle Johnson
Regional Manager, Polaris
Cultural Vistas Alumna

Moderated by:

Mr. Andrew Bogrand
Communications and Outreach Officer, Democracy International
Cultural Vistas Alumnus

Please join us in person or by watching the event live online at mccaininstitute.org/live.

Join the conversation @McCainInstitute using #EndTrafficking.

McCain Institute for International Leadership
Cultural Vistas