Las Vegas: Night at the Neon Museum

Your Las Vegas Chapter of the ASU Alumni Association is hosting their signature event at the Neon Museum on June 23. Experience the magic of the Neon Museum at night for only $5 each person, that is a $19 savings (Nevada resident price is $24). This is a perk of being a Las Vegas Sun Devil. The tour features the fabulous neon of 11 restored signs, and beautifully and dramatically lit un-restored signs. Due to the broken glass, rusty metal and darkness, we recommend night tours for children ages 12 and up.
Because of the limited availability for the one-hour guided tour of the museum, make sure you register as soon as possible. Our tour is scheduled to begin at 7:40 p.m., so you need to plan to arrive in their free parking lot (770 Las Vegas Blvd North) no later than 7:10 p.m.