Local to Global

In a world that seems starkly divided by political affiliation, access to basic healthcare and addressing difficult issues like climate change, it is challenging to find common ground that unites us. For the 19th annual Local to Global Justice Forum and Festival, "Climates of Justice," presentations will be provided by organizations and community activists working to nurture a more equitable future for everyone through sustained recognition and action around climate change and other urgent issues.
Presentations from individuals, organizations and community groups will go beyond climate change to open a space for climates of peaceful, thoughtful and respectful debate, conversation, understanding and dialogue that will foster positive conditions for social change and respond to the following questions:
• What are alternative ways of thinking, organizing and acting that help to create systematic and systemic changes for more equitable futures?
• How can we foster places and spaces for open and civil dialogue in contentious political times?
• How can we share practices of self-care for mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health?
• What work is needed to create alliances for transformative changes and how can we build and strengthen them?
The festival takes place in multiple locations. For more information, please consult the Local to Global Justice website.