Mini Health Screening - West

Mini Health Screening - West

Arizona State University benefits-eligible employees can get a 30-minute health screening. Several tests, including readings on cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides are available free of charge.

Other tests are available for as low as a $20 copay. Cash, check, MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Bring your ASU ID and Benefit Options insurance cards.

Fasting for eight hours before the venous draw is required, and employees receive results in the mail within seven to 10 business days. Read more about these tests online.

This is a HIP-endorsed event available to state of Arizona employees eligible for benefits. Learn more about the incentive-based HIP program online.

ASU employees receive one free mini health screening per calendar year. Additional screenings are available for a fee paid directly to Healthwaves.

Liz Badalamenti
ASU Employee Wellness
University Center Building, La Sala Ballroom A