Moon Dialogs: 2021 Global Lunar Research Agenda

Moon Dialogs: 2021 Global Lunar Research Agenda

The ASU Interplanetary Initiative is pleased to announce the tenth Moon Dialogs research salon, part of a series aimed at advancing interdisciplinary thought on lunar policy. Our next salon is Friday, February 26 to kick off a suite of activities planned for 2021, focusing on everything from lunar exploration, commercialization and security and sustainability. Moderated by the Moon Dialogs conveners, we’d love to see significant participation from the global lunar community as we set our research agenda for this year. We have prepared three focus areas which we will announce, and we will be aiming to co-create how we work on those issues together with you for the rest of the year. 

Date and Time
Friday, Feb 26
1–2:30 p.m. MST 

About This Series
The Moon Dialogs salons seek to cultivate thought leadership on lunar surface coordination mechanisms to accelerate peaceful and sustained presence on the Moon. We host monthly research salons on salient topics every full Moon. The Moon Dialogs is a partnership focused on governance and coordination mechanisms, convened by organizations and participating researchers exploring voluntary, multilateral mechanisms, norms and economic arrangements that aim to grow ecosystems of lunar activity — both governmental and non-governmental. The project is a collaboration between Open Lunar Foundation, Secure World Foundation, the MIT Space Exploration Initiative, Arizona State University and For All Moonkind. The Dialogs bring stakeholders to the table on equal footing, with an emphasis on practical tools, operating models and rights frameworks for the next 10 years. Is it not a consensus forum, but a place to put forward ideas which will accelerate short term activity and support bold plans for sustained presence. If you would like to propose a topic or a speaker for our next salon, please contact

Taryn Struck
Interplanetary Initiative