A New Experiment to Discover Fundamental Asymmetries of Nature: Dr. Corrado Gatto - INFN Naples, Italy
At the fundamental level and in first approximation, nature is described by a mathematical model (the Standard Model) which only recently has been fully confirmed. The model is highly symmetric and it predicts a very symmetric structure of the laws of physics. However, nature has shown to be much more complex than what the Standard Model indicate, contradicting the model in several respects at higher orders of approximation.
A new experiment (REDTOP) is being proposed using an intense proton beam to explore the physics beyond the Standard Model and to search for new particles which are not accomodated within it. The physics program, the accelerators system and the experimental techniques proposed by REDTOP will be discussed during the presentation.
Dr. Corrado Gatto is a Senior Scientist at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and Advisor at University of Naples (Italy) for experimental High Energy physics. He is currently the spokesperson of the T1015 experiment and of the REDTOP project at Fermilab (USA). He is an expert in advanced particle detector technologies and in software simulations applied to High Energy experiments. He proposed and developed a new calorimetric technique based on heavy glasses (ADRIANO) and a new software framework for the offline systems of High Energy experiments (ILCroot). He has been an active member of twelve International Collaborations involved in experimental High Energy physics and he is the P.I. of a research group at INFN.