Sixteen Years After 9/11: Assessing the Terrorist Threat

Sixteen years have passed since the attacks of 9/11, and three presidents have now wrestled with calibrating an effective American response to the threat of jihadi terrorism. Where does the terrorist threat stand today? How effective has the Trump administration been in confronting the threat? What will the threat look like tomorrow?
To address these questions, New America welcomes: Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and CEO of Valens Global, a private firm focused on the challenge posed by violent non-state actors; Joshua Geltzer, a fellow in New America's International Security program who served from 2015 to 2017 as senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council staff, having served previously as deputy legal adviser to the National Security Council and as counsel to the assistant attorney general for national security at the Department of Justice; and Nadia Oweidat, a Middle East fellow at New America who holds a doctorate in oriental studies from the University of Oxford and who is currently working on a book on social media and positive change among Arabic speakers.
This event will be livestreamed here. Follow the discussion online using #16YearsAfter and following @NewAmericaISP.
- Daveed Gartenstein-Ross: senior fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies CEO, Valens Global, @DaveedGR
- Joshua Geltzer: fellow, New America International Security Program
- Nadia Oweidat: Middle East fellow, New America, @NadiaOweidat
- Peter Bergen: vice president, New America, @peterbergencnn