Sparky Slam poetry event

High school students and teachers of all grade levels are invited to participate in ASU's inaugural Sparky Slam, a poetry slam celebrating youth voices.
There are three ways to compete
1. Student Poets (Grades 9 – 12): Poems should be 3 minutes or less. There are 15 performance slots available for students. Sign-up is on a first-come, first-served basis and begins at 5 p.m. in AGBC 134.
2. Student-Created Video Poems (Grades 9-12): Poems should be 3 minutes or less and incorporate visuals. Send your video link to the event organizer at by March 20. We will show up to three videos at the event.
3. Teacher Poets (Any Level/Any Subject): Poems should be 3 minutes or less. There are three performance slots available for teachers. Sign-up is on a first-come, first-served basis and begins at 5 p.m. in AGBC 134.
Even if you don't want to compete, come join the fun! The event emcee will be spoken word artist Tomas Stanton, of Phonetic Spit.