Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions Mixer

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions Mixer

This event will allow students, faculty, alumni and employers to build community. Our Watts Community involvement is vital to student success!

Students can get advice from faculty members, hear what employers are looking for in potential candidates and learn about open positions! Eighty-five percent of job postings get filled through employee referral. This will be a great step to building your professional network and scoring that dream job. This event is open to all Watts students and faculty.

This is also an opportunity for faculty and employers to share what they're looking for in potential candidates, advertise any open positions and connect with Watts College students and alumni outside of the classroom. Come get involved!

The mixer will take place in the A.E. England Auditorium (424 N. Central Ave, Phoenix 85004) on the Downtown Phoenix campus from 4 p.m.6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 16. Refreshments will be provided. For additional information, please contact Meghan McDermott (meghan.mcdermott@asu.edu). We look forward to having you join us!

Meghan McDermott
Lobby - Downtown Phoenix - AE England Building (AEEB)