Why Do Foreign Actors Want to Erode U.S. Democracy?

Why Do Foreign Actors Want to Erode U.S. Democracy?

In 2016, 2018, and 2020, America’s foreign adversaries, such as Russia and Iran, attempted to influence the U.S. elections. Just last month, FBI officials warned of potential interference from Russia and China in the upcoming midterms, providing a timely reminder that what happens in the elections doesn’t just matter here in the United States.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy, the McCain Institute and the Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations host an event on how and why foreign adversaries seek to impact our elections at the national and local levels.

Arizona is not only a battleground state for domestic politics but it will also attract attention around the world. Together, we will host an expert panel on how the United States and Arizona can protect itself from foreign efforts to undermine democracy.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

5 p.m. Program

Networking Reception to Follow



The Great Hall, Beus Center for Law and Society

ASU Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law

111 E Taylor St, Phoenix, AZ 85004




Bill Gates

Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

Tim Roemer

Director of the Arizona Department of Homeland Security, Arizona Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Laura Thornton

Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy


Paul Fagan

Director of Human Rights and Democracy, The McCain Institute

Richard Davis
McCain Institute
The Great Hall, Beus Center for Law and Society