Judaism, Science and Medicine Annual Conference Judaism, Jews and Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning vs. Enduring Wisdom

Event description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed numerous aspects of contemporary life. Since Jews are deeply involved in the design and use of AI systems, this conference examines the challenges of AI in light of the values of the Jewish tradition. Can Judaism help us build a more just and virtuous AI? Can Judaism instruct us how to live with AI?  If so, how?

Presented by Arizona State University Center for Jewish Studies

Conference sessions free and open to all | registration required


9:00 am – 9:15 am (AZ time)

(LA–8 am, Chicago-10 am, NY-11 am, Buenos Aires-1 pm, London-4 pm, Jerusalem-6 pm)

Welcome and Introduction

Hava Tirosh-Samuelson (ASU)

Ariel Anbar (ASU)

Dean Jeffrey Cohen (ASU)

9:15 am – 10:30 am (AZ time)


The Michael Anbar Memorial Lecture on Judaism, Science, and Medicine 

What is Jewish Thought’s Place in Modern Artificial Intelligence Discourse? 

Chair and Respondent: David Shatz (Yeshivah University)

Keynote Lecturer: David Zvi Kalman (Hartman Institute-North America)

10:30 am – 12:00 pm (AZ time)

Session #2:  Intelligence, Knowledge, and Embodiment

Chair: Heidi Ravven (Hamilton College)

Pursuing Intellectual Perfection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 

Moa de Lucia Dahlbeck (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Bueno Aires) 

Have You Ever Been Experienced? Living Organism vs. Machine Algorithm

Gary Goldberg (Medical College of Virginia)

‘Artificial Intelligence’ Is a ‘Category Error’ Peter Rez (ASU)


12:00 pm – 12:15 pm break (AZ time)


12:15 pm – 1:45 pm (AZ time)

(LA-11:15 am, Chicago-1:15 pm, NY-2:15 pm, Buenos Aires-4:15 pm, London-7:15 pm, Jerusalem-9:15 pm)

Session #3: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Chair: Jonathan Crane (Emory University)

The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence: Moral and Practical Considerations

Mitch Marcus (University of Pennsylvania, Emeritus)

In Your Face: Deepfakes Meet Deep Ethics

Mois Navon (Bar Ilan University)

Who is Responsible? The (Im)Possibility of Artificial Religious Agents

Daniel Nevins (Golda Och Academy, West Orange, NJ)


1:45 pm – 3:15 pm (AZ time)

Session #4: Artificial Intelligence and Jewish Law

Chair: Joel Gereboff (ASU)

Covenantal Jewish Principles and the Design and Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Tal Zarsky (University of Haifa)

Nadav S. Berman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and University of Haifa)

Artificial Intelligence and Remembrance: Toward Algorithmic Collective Memory

Michal Shur-Ofry (Hebrew University)


3:15 pm – 4:45 pm (AZ time)

(LA-2:15 pm, Chicago-4:15 pm, NY-5:15 pm, Buenos Aires-7:15 pm, London-10:15 pm, Jerusalem-12:15 am)

Session #5: Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Medicine

Chair: Michael Yudell (ASU)

Artificial Intelligence and Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Alan Astrow (Cornell Medical Center)

The Use of Artificial Intelligence at the Bedside of the Patient

Alan Jotkowitz (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

Alexa: “What Pills Do I Take Today”? Artificial Intelligence and the Fifth Commandment

Richard Address (Jewish Sacred Aging)

4:45 pm – 5:45 pm (AZ time)

Session #6: Artificial Intelligence in Jewish Society: Secular and Religious Dimensions, Roundtable

Chair: Hava Tirosh-Samuelson (ASU)

The AI as the Other: Ethics, Authenticity and Veracity

 Laurie Zoloth (University of Chicago)

The Artificial Intelligence Rabbi/Rabbah as Judge, Halakhist and Spiritual Mentor

Harris Bor (London School of Jewish Studies)

Artificial Intelligence, the Jewish Family, and Jewish Religious Practice

Elliot Dorff (American Jewish University)

5:45 pm – 6 pm (AZ time)

(LA-4:45 pm, Chicago-6:45 pm, NY-7:45 pm, Buenos Aires-9:45 pm, London-12:45 pm, Jerusalem-2:45 am)


Hava Tirosh-Samuelson (ASU)

Event contact

Lisa Kaplan

Sunday, February 26, 2023


9 a.m.6 p.m. (MST)



