Adobe Ready, Set, Go. Session 2: Vector or Bitmap? Why Choose?

Event description

  • Academic events
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Campus life
  • Free

This 30-minute session is open to ASU students, faculty, staff, and Teaching Assistants.


Adobe Ready, Set, Go. Session 2 Vector or Bitmap? Why Choose?

This is the second of three sessions offered on Sept. 26. In this session we are going to look at how AI can influence both vector artwork and bitmaps as we work in Illustrator and InDesign. Changes are happening all the time to these powerful creative tools, how do we keep up? Come learn about updates and AI in this session that unites these design tools!

Presenter: Dan Armstrong.
Target Audience: ASU students, faculty, staff, and Teaching Assistants.

Event contact

ASU Learning Experience Design

Thursday, September 26, 2024


1:15 p.m.1:45 p.m. (MST)


Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus

