Carbon Removal Social [Science]

Event description

  • Free
  • Open to the public
  • Science
Understanding and addressing the social dimensions of carbon removal can be a challenge.  What have we learned so far?  Come hear findings and insights from three research efforts. We’ll hear from:
-Holly Jean Buck (University at Buffalo) on a new report on 100 conversations about carbon removal in five regions of the US

-Mahmud Farooque and Amanda Borth (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University) on research and engagement

-Sara Nawaz (Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal, American University) on research about the social considerations of marine carbon removal

Then, we’ll have a panel conversation about how social science research can help decision-makers think about responsible and just carbon removal deployment, including reflections from:

-Rory Jacobson,  Acting Division Director for Carbon Dioxide Removal, Department of Energy

Event contact

Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes

Thursday, October 3, 2024


12:30 pm2:30 pm (MST)

