Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of March Mammal Madness: 2013-2023
Event description
- Academic events
- Open to the public
- Science
2023 is the 10th Anniversary of March Mammal Madness, celebrating the natural world through an evidence-based, simulated animal tournament played by hundreds of thousands of students annually. Join MMM Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Katie Hinde and librarian Anali Maughan Perry to kick off the pre-season with updated information on this year’s tournament and resources, some highlights from the last 10 years of MMM and a return of the lightning round! Register to receive the Zoom link.
Katie Hinde is an Associate Professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change and the Center for Evolution and Medicine at Arizona State University. She investigates maternal and infant health in humans, monkeys and other mammals. In 2013 she created the March Mammal Madness science outreach program and has continued to serve as Editor-in-Chief of an incredible team of scientists, illustrators, conservationists, librarians, designers and educators who deliver an unparalleled extravaganza of performance science.
Anali Maughan Perry is the head of Open Science and Scholarly Communication at ASU Library. In this role, she leads efforts to provide outreach and education to the ASU community regarding open science and open scholarship practices, as well as overseeing ASU Library’s KEEP institutional repository and the ASU Research Data Repository. Most importantly (for this audience), she manages the March Mammal Madness library guide, and has only successfully chosen the MMM champion once (go #TeamRedKangaroo!).
Image credit: Common treeshrew by Charon Henning (2021)