Cultural CAFÉ - Romanian Language Program

Event description
- Academic events
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- Free
- Open to the public
Political police at war against children’s literature during the ‘80s in Nicolae Ceaușescu’s Romania. Ana Blandiana’s ‘Întâmplări de pe strada mea’ (‘Events from my street’) – A case study
Dictators aren't very keen on jokes. This is the case of a Romanian children's book hunted down by the Romanian intel even in the readers' bedrooms, just because of a mild resemblance between a cat and the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
Keynote: Cristina GOGÂȚĂ
Cristina Gogata is a lecturer of Romanian language at the University of Pisa, in Italy. Her fields of interest are postwar Romanian literature, traductology, Romanian as a foreign language. She has been teaching RFL since 2009, at the Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca
Tuesday, April 19, 2023
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Arizona time)
DH 216/ online